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Professional Preparation

Academia Sinica, Biodiversity Research Center, Taiwan, Assistant Research Fellow, 2019 Dec - Now

University of Florida, NFREC, USA, Postdoctoral Researcher, 2017 -2019

Duke University, Biology Department, USA, PhD, 2017

National Taiwan University, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Taiwan, M. Sc., 2010

National Taiwan Normal University, Life Science Department, Taiwan, B. Sc., 2008

Professional Appointment

2016 & 2017  Research assistant (NSF GoLife), Duke University

2012 & 2016  Teaching assistant and lab lecturer (Molecular Biology, BIO201L), Duke University

2014 & 2015  Teaching assistant and lecturer (Mycology, BIO540), Duke University

2015 Spring  Teaching assistant (Microbial Ecology, BIO557), Duke University

2013 & 2014  Teaching assistant and lab lecturer (Genetics and Evolution, BIO202L), Duke University

2008               Teaching assistant (General Botany), National Taiwan University

Selected Awards and Grants

2021-2022 coPI, MOST undergraduate research fund to Qiao-Yi Xie. 探討帶狀瓶爾小草根部與地下配子體之真菌群集多樣性及功能性組成.

2022-2023 PI, MOST-FNRS #110 -2927-I-001 -509 bilateral fund. Elucidating the ecological role of lichen and bryophyte microbiomes in Montane Cloud Forests of Taiwan.

2020-2023 PI, MOST #109-2621-B-001 -006 -MY3. "Identifying the Sphagnum microbiome across altitudinal and host differences in Taiwan". (NTD: 3,600,000)

2018 co-PI, DOE Joint Genome Institute Community Science Program #19504376. “Genetic, community, and ecosystem consequences of co-introduction of mycorrhizal fungi with exotic pines” PI: Hui-Ling Liao


2018 co-PI, Florida Cattle Enhancement Board’s Grant. “Presence of grass endophytes and mycotoxins in Florid pastures” (USD 52,000) PI: Ann Blount


2017 co-PI, NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant #DEB-1701836. “Assessing the importance of trophic lability for fungal endophytism using the moss Dicranum scoparium and its associated fungi" (USD 19,517) PI: François Lutzoni


2015 Graduate Fellowship, Mycological Society of America (USD 2,000)

Environmental Microbiology

The ISME Journal

Mycological Progress

Scientific Reports

Polar Biology

Fungal Ecology

Journal of Microbiology

Frontier in Microbiology

Journal of Fungi ​

New Phytologist

Microbiology Spectrum

Microbial Ecology

Forest Ecology and Management

Reviewer service

University Service

2020-present Instructor of TIGP Biodiversity Seminar Class (Academia Sinica)

2020-present Instructor of TIGP Biodiversity Population Genetics and Evolution (Academia Sinica)

2016 Invited lecturer for Mycology course, Duke University.

2014-2016 Seminar coordinator for Duke University Systematics Discussion Group and Seminar series.

2015 Invited lecturer for Microbiome Analysis Workshop, Microbiome module, University Program of Genetics and Genomics, Duke University.

2010 Symposium organizer. National Taiwan University and National Taiwan Normal University joint symposium on Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. Taipei, Taiwan.

Invited Presentations (selected)

-Ko-Hsuan Chen. 2019. Plant-fungal symbiosis and their potential impacts on terrestrial biogeochemistry. Brookhaven National Lab, NSLS-II Lunchtime seminar, Upton, NY, USA.

-Ko-Hsuan Chen. 2019. Functional ecology of plant-associated fungi. Departmental Seminar. Biology Department College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, USA.

-Ko-Hsuan Chen. 2018. Functional ecology of moss associated fungi - linking environmental and experimental re- synthesis metatranscriptomics, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.

-Ko-Hsuan Chen. 2018. Functional ecology of moss associated fungi - linking environmental and experimenta re-synthesis metatranscriptomics. Seminar, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University. New South Wales, Australia.

-Ko-Hsuan Chen, Hui-Ling Liao, Hailee B. Korotkin, P. Brandon Matheny, François Lutzoni. 2017. Functional ecology of mycobiome shifts associated with plant senescence - linking environmental and experimental re-synthesis metatranscriptomics. The XIX International Botanical Congress in Shenzhen, China.

-Ko-Hsuan Chen, Hui-Ling Liao, A. Elizabeth Arnold, François Lutzoni. 2016. Metatranscriptomic analysis of the moss Dicranum scoparium reveals active fungal communities and functionalities across a senescence gradient. Botany conference. Savannah, GA, USA.

© 2019 by Ko-Hsuan Chen. Created with

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